Huxley's worlds map of the great big Solar System

Reversing direction for our fourth map in the series, we decided to go big. WAY BIGGER. It turned out that visualizing the planets was easy. Figuring out how to show the various moons at a scale and distance that was even remotely accurate (they probably aren’t) was the fun challenge. Also, the various asteroid belts are way cool. We even discovered that Pluto is basically just the largest chunk of freezing cold ice in the Kuiper Belt. Nothing special. This could be why poor Pluto was recently demoted as a planet.


A discovery we made is how silly it is that the Earth’s moon is just called “Moon”. For example, check out Mars’ moons. They have proper names — Deimos + Phobus. As do all of the other moons in the solar system. Names. They have names. But our moon? It’s just called Moon. Try and explain this to a five year old.


We also learned about some of the moons in the galaxy most likely to support life. Hello Jupiter’s moon! If shit continues to go south here on Earth, head for Ganymede, Calisto or Europa. Also, invent a light speed spaceship.


Check out Huxkey’s Secret Rocket Ship. The rings of Saturn are definitely popular with kids. We weren’t sure about the science of parachutes in vacuum filled space, but we also thought it couldn’t hurt.


5 Runs in Further Places


Huxley's counties map of the great big state